Pieter Hugo

Hugo was born in 1976 in Cape Town in South Africa, he bases his photography on African communities. When I first saw the images I was not very interested but after thinking about it and studying the photos more in depth it started giving me ideas of how I would like to start my work. While looking at Hugo’s photographs which shows many different people working in their own environment, but not only working, some are running around, there are fires around. It gives us the feeling that we would not want to be there, the place looks unpleasant and sometimes even dangerous. Another thing that interested me in the photos was what the people were using and playing with, it included cables, old electronical waste, car tires, boxes, some also look like fridges and things like that. It is fascinating how different people are, around the whole world. Where I am right now most people would not touch things like that laying on the streets because of danger, bacteria and viruses it could give us but there the thinking that people have is completely different. Hugo gives me the idea of where to go with my first photoshoot of waste. At the beginning I would like to make an easy photoshoot of things like that, like old electronic waste, tires and tangled cables that you would find on the side roads that people damp because it’s their waste.

pieter-hero Pieter-Hugo-Agbogbloshie-Market-Accra-Ghana-2009 permerror8

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